Monday, August 6, 2007

Yogurt, Courtney Style

Swap #2 was yogurt from me. I end up making yogurt for us about every week and half to two weeks. It's super easy and you can make it at home, too, and it's a lot cheaper than at the store.


2 quarts milk
1/2 cup or so of already made yogurt

Bring the milk to a boil on the stove, whisking to make sure the milk does not burn. Once the milk is boiling, turn it off and pour it into sterile quart jars. I also put some into another smaller jar (this is my starter for the next batch). Put the lids on and put the jars into the fridge for 1 hour. Take them out of the fridge, stir in the already made yogurt in each jar, and put the jars in a warm place.

My warm place is inside my oven with it turned off. I have a gas oven, so the pilot light keeps it somewhat warm. Some people put the yogurt in a cooler with a warm towel wrapped around it. Be creative! Just do not put the yogurt in a place over 100 degrees or the yogurt will die and you will be left with sour milk. Yuck!

I leave my yogurt in the oven overnight and I have yogurt in the morning. Keep the yogurt refrigerated.

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